But then google maps tells you how long it would take to travel by car - 1 day 18 hours. And that's in a nicely air-conditioned car on well-paved roads with plenty of snacks packed and restaurants and rest stops abounding. In comparison...
Those faithful Saints journeyed by boat for four days on the Amazon River and its tributaries. After completing this journey by water, they boarded buses for another three days of travel—over bumpy roads, with very little to eat, and with nowhere comfortable to sleep. After seven days and nights, they arrived at the temple in São Paulo, where ordinances eternal in nature were performed. Of course their return journey was just as difficult. However, they had received the ordinances and blessings of the temple, and although their purses were empty, they themselves were filled with the spirit of the temple and with gratitude for the blessings they had received.With a temple 20 minutes away, what really do I have to say about sacrifice? "Once upon a time I drove for 10 minutes to pick up a friend from work, then drove another 10 while minutes to the temple. When we were done there, we stopped for ice cream before dropping her off again. The house was messy when I got back."
It was a kick in the pants that I need to get there more often.
The temple has been a different blessing at different times of my life. When my children were all young (making it necessary to find a babysitter to go), the biggest blessing for me was the peace I felt there. Now, the blessings are answers to prayer and other types of instruction, reminding me that God knows there is such a person as Marni, trying to do my best to be a good wife, raise the children He blessed me with, and fulfill the other responsibilities He has given to me. I assume the blessings of attending will continue to grow and evolve.
I like to sing a song or two with my baby before putting her to bed. It always makes me smile when I start to sing a song only to have her stop me with, "No! Temple!", letting me know she wants me to sing "I Love to See the Temple." She does like other songs, but she's never "requested" me to sing any other song.
Can't wait to go take you there someday.