Saturday, May 25, 2013

Girls Aren't Scary

For a long time I felt like a boys mother - that I would be much better at boys because I don't mind rough housing, throwing around baseballs, and digging in the dirt*.  Girls scared me, mainly because of the hormonal mood swings that start way earlier that they should, and all that fru fru girly stuff.

After two boys then two girls I figured I would be back to boys again, but after delivering the fourth girl in a row and thinking, "Where's my boy???" I had a beautiful feeling a peace come over me, along with the thought that this is how it's supposed to be.

Greater perspective was built for me when I was visiting an older sister in our ward.  Well, purely by age I wouldn't think of her in the "older" category (she's close to the same age as my mother), but because of her health she is almost entirely bedridden and looks far older than she is.  She was asking me about my family, and when I mentioned my four girls her face lit up and she said, "Those girls are going to take good care of you someday."  If I remember right she has two boys and three girls, and she said while she loves being around her sons, the girls are the ones that really care for her.

The older my girls get, the more fun they really are.  I still don't enjoy the hormones - at all - but I had a great girls night with my four ladies tonight.  We've watched "Little Women" and two "Pride and Prejudice" movies together in the past, and tonight I introduced them to "Sense and Sensibility."  So fun to enjoy those goodies without the boys around writhing on the floor, rolling their eyes, or making snide comments.  And wonderful that my girls and I are building a friendship relationship with things we can enjoy together.

At the start of the movie Madeleine was super chatty.  She looked up to me and randomly said, "That would be funny if we had wings."  I agreed!

* I must say, my girls dig in the dirt waaaaay more than my boys ever did.  They really didn't seem to enjoy getting dirty.  The girls have zero problem with that.  Maybe their mom's tomboyishness has rubbed off on them too much.  Madeleine has lately even started telling me she's a scout girl and a camp girl, and that she gets to go to camp too (which yes, she'll get to when we go to family camp again).


  1. Good attitude :). Felt the same way, and am also glad for the girls I did get. Fortunately my girly ones are at the tail end with each other, where I can appreciate them and enjoy their cuteness and "fru fru"-ness as you put it. They ARE cute :)!

    1. ...AND they are super terrific at playing mommy to their baby bro. :)
